
Cookies are small text files that are created and stored on the device used when visiting a particular website. Cookies are completely safe and do not collect personal information. Cookies may include information such as website name, date, time, etc. Each user of the website is assigned a unique number by which the user is identified, thus providing each user with personalized settings that improve the experience of using the website.

Cookies improve the performance of any website and help it function properly. This improves the individual experience of each visitor, so we recommend allowing the use of cookies to make the use of the site more convenient for you. The stored cookies allow your device to be recognized, so when you visit the website again, your data can be saved, thus avoiding re-entering the data.

Cookies collect and process statistical data about website traffic and duration of online sessions. Such information helps us to improve the performance of the information collected on the site so that visitors can use it more conveniently.

Permanent cookies are saved on the user's device also after exiting the Internet browser. These cookies are stored for some time so that when visiting the website again, the visitor does not have to enter all the data again and agree to the use of cookies. If you don't visit the page for a long time, cookies will be deleted.

In addition to permanent cookies, we also use temporary and marketing cookies. Temporary cookies are automatically deleted immediately after the end of the session. However, marketing cookies are set to the user's individual interests based on the visitor's online actions. Simply put, you see a Google ad that is completely tailored to you.

Information on how visitors can opt out of Google’s used cookie files, Google advert settings or opt out of third-party service provider used cookie files, opting out of network advertising initiative.

If you want to accept or reject cookies, you can certainly do so: I agree / disagree with the use of cookies.

The Cookie Policy may be updated from time to time, so we encourage you to periodically review this information if needed.